The legislative proposal on shared custody of children in separated couples is called “DDL Pillon” and it is inspired by the principle of “perfect double-parenthood” and wants to replace the previous law on joint custody (Law no. 54/2006). The text, widely discussed and debated, cancels the alimony, provides for double domicile of the child and introduces the obligation of a family mediator.
The Bill has attracted big criticism from every part, particularly from activists and parliamentarians.
According to the representatives of the Democratic Party (“Partito Democratico”, PD), the bill “upsets the family law in force” in Italy, “undermines the harmonious development of children” and “aggravates the costs of separation by including the figure of the family mediator”.
The Italian Authority for the Protection of Childhood and Adolescence (“Agia”) stated that the legislative text is not balanced, in particular with respect of equal division of the time spent by the child with each parent. Moreover, the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for Equal Opportunities and Youth Policy, had publicly declared that they cannot accept the law proposal as it has been formulated. 
Soon in almost 60 cities will host protests and marches against the bill Pillon, currently under discussion in the Senate. Unions, organizations against violence and associations will participate.

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