Violating Shared Custody is a crime

When the spouses separate, the judge rules over the custody of the children. If shared custody is ordered, it is necessary that the children continue to stay with both parental figures, sharing equally the time to be spent with both with each other, except when evident obstacles are in place.  But what if the former […]

Guide to Italian Stepchild Adoption

The stepchild adoption has existed since 1983 with Law no. 184. However, the application of the law was limited only to heterosexual couples. Law  no.184 permits the adoption of the biological child of one of the spouses. In particular, this adoption requires the following elements: The consent of the biological parent; The consent of the […]

Protests against the bill Pillon

The legislative proposal on shared custody of children in separated couples is called “DDL Pillon” and it is inspired by the principle of “perfect double-parenthood” and wants to replace the previous law on joint custody (Law no. 54/2006). The text, widely discussed and debated, cancels the alimony, provides for double domicile of the child and […]

Italian Court on overnights with the father

On September the 5th, the Court of Trieste disregarded the requests of a mother who, while not questioning the shared custody of the child, did not want the minor to spend the nights with the other parent, until the minor would be four years old. In detail, according to the judges, the child custody must […]