Italian defamation and social media

Italian defamation and social media Italian Defamation offence occurs when anyone, by communicating with other people, causes damages to the honour or reputation of others. In such case, the offence is implemented within art. 595 Criminal Code and the penalty is fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. However, in the event […]

Italian citizenship by marriage

Italian defamation and social media If you are a foreign citizen or a stateless person and you marry an Italian citizen, according to Italian Law, you are eligible to obtain the so-called Italian citizenship by marriage. Requirements Italian citizenship by marriage can be obtained when one of the spouses is Italia.Under Italian Law, the non-Italian […]

Road accidents and contributory negligence

Road accidents and contributory negligence Under Italian Law, the contributory negligence for a road accident occurs when the liability is not totally borne by a single party, but also by the other party that someway contributed to cause the accident and this applies also to pedestrians. First of all, there are two types of contributory […]

Minors and Inheritance

Minors and Inheritance Under Italian Law, when an heir is a minor, the inheritance shall be accepted by his legal representative (such as the parent) in the best interest of the minor himself. In this case, the law provides that the acceptance of the inheritance shall be made with the benefit of inventory. The acceptance […]

Liability of the pedestrian in case of a road accident

Liability of the pedestrian in case of a road accident According to the Italian Codice della Strada (equivalent to the Highway Code), the pedestrian is required to behave with diligence and prudence while crossing and to comply with the rules set forth not to be an obstacle and a road danger.   If the pedestrian infringes these rules […]