Do Agreements on Future Inheritance Have Legal Value?

Creating a Fake Profile to Test a Partner's Fidelity What Are the Risks

If a family has agreed on future inheritance shares (one-third and two-thirds) for a property, and now there is a dispute over dividing the condominium expenses, it’s important to understand the legal implications of such agreements. Are Verbal Agreements on Future Inheritance Valid? Under Article 458 of the Italian Civil Code, verbal agreements about future […]

Creating a Fake Profile to Test a Partner’s Fidelity: What Are the Risks?

Creating a Fake Profile to Test a Partner's Fidelity What Are the Risks

Creating a Fake Profile to Test a Partner’s Fidelity: What Are the Risks? In Italy, creating a fake social media profile to test a partner’s loyalty could involve legal risks. Using deceptive means to test a partner’s fidelity is considered unethical and can have legal consequences. Is Infidelity a Crime? Infidelity itself is not a […]

Can You Report a Mother for Not Allowing the Father to See the Children in Italy?

Can You Report a Mother for Not Allowing the Father to See the Children in Italy

In family disputes in Italy, children are sometimes used as tools of revenge against an ex-partner. This can lead a custodial parent to block visitations ordered by the court. When this happens, the affected parent should return to court with their lawyer to seek a warning or, in more severe cases, request the revocation of […]

When is betrayal permissible?

When is betrayal permissible

The betrayal is considered an act that violates marital duties but is not a crime. It is treated as a civil offense, leading only to the loss of inheritance rights and maintenance, known as “blame.” However, betrayal may not be penalized if it is not the main cause of the marriage dissolution. In such cases, […]

What is affectio coniugalis?

What is affectio coniugalis

The legal jargon, especially that used by judges, often resorts to Latin terms: ancient maxims sometimes perfectly encapsulate concepts that in modern language require lengthy explanations. One such term is affectio coniugalis, frequently heard in matters related to marriage, separation, fault attribution, and residence permits. But what is affectio coniugalis? It’s a Latin term that […]